
Feminism: Challenge yourself!


Feminism: Challenge yourself!



Gender diversity, gender bias, equality ... these are keywords we hear (and may use) often these days - but what do they mean? In this playlist, we want to take a closer look to these topics summarised by "feminism". Check out all four activities to get more information, challenge yourself and discuss about it with others!

This way you can participate in the playlist and the individual activities:

  • Log in (or create a free account if you are using the platform for the first time).
  • Click on "participate" in the playlist. The playlist is now saved in your account and you can view your progress.
  • Look at the individual activities in the playlist. Click on participate to start the activity. Read through the activity and engage with the tasks and learning experiences. You will find all the websites and documents mentioned under 'materials' in the activity.
  • For each activity you complete, you will receive a digital badge: upload a proof, e.g. a photo or a screenshot, or write your answer to a question in the text field.

Suoritettavat aktiviteetit

Suorita seuraavat toimet, ansaitse merkkejä ja näet soittolistan edistymisen päivitettynä
Feminism: Learn more
20 minuuttia
Näytä koko aktiviteetti


This activity is the first one of the whole "Feminism: Challenge yourself" playlist and is meant as an inroduction into the topic. As feminism is a wide-ranging topic, this activity can only offer some selected information about it but tries to offer different sources and insights to prepare you for the following challenges! You can choose yourself which subtopics and sources you're interested in. Enjoy them and don't fotget to get your badge afterwards!

Do you want to watch some videos?
  1. We should all be feminists
  2. Time to stop!

Do you want to check out instagram about the topic?

Do you want to compare gender equality in different countries?

Do you want to read further?

Hanki aktiviteetti-merkki

Feminism: Learn more Hanki tämä merkki

The owners of bis badge informed themselves about the topic feminism by using different sources to various themes. They chose to go deeper onto the topic by using the material or finding additional material themselves. They reflected on the given information.
Sinun täytyy suorittaa 1 tehtävä saadaksesi merkin
Tehtävä nro.1
Vastauksen vahvistanut: Yksi aktiviteetin järjestäjä
Which of the sources did you choose to deal with in more detail?
Did you find out something new? What was most interesting for you?

Leave your reflection in the text field.
Tehtävä nro.2
Vastauksen vahvistanut: Yksi aktiviteetin järjestäjä
Was there a topic you didn't find information for in this activity? Did you find more interesting resources while checking out the activity?

Share the links/ titles/ pictures here. Maybe we can add it to the material of the activity so others can see it, too?
Feminism: Pride and Prejudice
45 minuuttia


#improving personal skills
Aktiviteetit: 5
Alkoi: 11
Soittolista suoritettu: 0
Suoritusaika: 1 tunti 50 minuuttia


Challenge accepted - Europe
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Osarahoitettu Euroopan unionin Erasmus+ -ohjelmasta